A Prayer for the New Year

C.N. Mbhalati

C.N. Mbhalati

· 4 min read

A new year is upon us. A new year that promises to be filled with new struggle, new joy, new pain, and new peace. In many ways it's exciting, and in many other ways it's quite unsettling to think about the future and what it may or may not hold.

But, my dear reader, I beseech you to be more excited than anxious. I beseech you to look more forward than you look behind. I beseech you to dream of the endless possibilities that await you in the new year. And I promise you'll be okay. I promise that anything that knocks you down won't destroy you as long as you get back up. I promise that your dreams won't fade away if you decide to keep pursuing them. And I promise that your future will always look brighter than your past as long as you decide to pursue all that is beautiful, all that is true, all that is worthy of praise, all that is honorable, and all that is excellent. You'll be alright. I believe in you. Heck. You'll be better than alright!

Like Vienna, joy waits for you in the midst of your journey. It's really beautiful when you think about it. The thing, though, about joy is that often she hides where we're least grateful. She hides in our mother's smile, our friend's laughter, the kindness of strangers, and even in our own suffering. Joy is an ever present calmness and peace that we flow in and out of from time to time. She'll always be there. Even if we feel like we're too broken to enjoy her.

Some final thoughts...

I love hitting the gym and lifting weights (even though I'm fat). Some people speak about the gym and how much they love it because it helps cure their depression and keeps the demons at bay. For a lot of people it's a sanctuary where the mind is invited to remain quiet.

I've never really related to that. Sure, it's a calming place to be for me, but that's never been the primary reason I keep going.

The reason I love hitting the gym is because it is a reminder that I am more. What do I mean by this?

It's simple, really. I am more than I think I am. I am more capable than I think I am. I am stronger than I think I am. I have more potential than I think I have.

Sometimes I'll put a few kilograms of weight on the bar, and I'll just stare at it. And there'll be a voice in my head that'll whisper, "Can you do this?" And there'll be a fear in my chest because this is a weight I've never lifted before. This is uncharted territory. I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if I'm strong enough. I don't know if I am enough. But then I close my eyes. I say a little prayer and ask God for strength, and then I position myself under that bar and give it EVERYTHING I have.

And the interesting thing, my dear reader, is that I am always surprised by what I am capable of. I am always surprised by my ability to do what I thought I couldn't do. And even if I fail a lift I'm always surprised at how close I got to making it. I am always reminded that I am more, that I am more resilient than I thought I was and that I am stronger than I think I am. It's quite the feeling. There's nothing like it.

So, my dear readers, I pray that this year you feel the same feeling. I pray that you are reminded of your strength and resilience. I pray that you push harder than you ever have and are surprised by your performance. I pray that you allow God to alleviate your burdens and give you strength. I pray that God surprises you and you surprise yourself.

You've got this. I believe in you and all that you are. Happy New Year. Make it the best year yet, and when it's over you need to come back and tell me of all of the things you did that you are most proud of. May your growth continue to surprise you. Goodluck, my friend.

Vienna waits for you.

C.N. Mbhalati

About C.N. Mbhalati

A Software Engineer, a writer, and a Hostage of Peace.

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