A Beautiful Day

C.N. Mbhalati

C.N. Mbhalati

· 1 min read

I stepped outside yesterday to enjoy some fresh air. When I looked up the sky was golden. It was a soft, warm orange and pink that blended into yellow. It's hard to describe. But it was beautiful.

Yesterday the sky wanted to get my attention so I gave it to her. She serenaded me with the sound of birds chirping, dogs barking, children laughing and insects making whatever sounds insects make. It was peaceful and light. I got to take a breather. I haven't taken one of those in a long while.

It gave me a moment to reflect a bit about where I've been and how far I've come. It gave me the opportunity to pat myself on the back a bit and just breathe. So I figured I'd stop here and do that for you. Here's your opportunity to breathe a bit. Pat yourself on the back. You're doing great, my friend. Well done for coming as far as you have, and goodluck with the road ahead. I'm proud of you.

Vienna waits for you.

C.N. Mbhalati

About C.N. Mbhalati

A Software Engineer, a writer, and a Hostage of Peace.

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